Allergic rhinitis is a situation wherein you breathe something which you are allergic to causing inside of your nose swollen or inflamed. It causes irritation mostly in the eyes and nose. You can be allergic to dust, dander, pollen etc. Allergic Rhinitis is commonly referred as Hay fever. Allergic Rhinitis is a disease which is inherited from parent. If your parent have any respiratory disease like tuberculosis, asthma etc then the probability of you getting such a disease is 50 percent.


An allergen triggers allergy which are found both in outdoors as well as indoor. If you are suffering from Allergic Rhinitis and you breathe an allergen like dust or pollen, body releases a chemical causing swelling, mucus production and itching. Indoor allergens includes house dust mites, mold or dropping of cockroaches found inside the home.

Having symptoms in spring suggests that you are allergic to tree pollens.

Having symptoms in summer suggests that you are allergic to weed and grass pollens.

Having symptoms in late summer suggests that you have an allergy to ragweed.

A skin test by an allergist or immunologist can reveal which allergens are causing you symptoms. Your history of the symptoms prevalent are then recorded which vary depending on the season, time of day, diet changes and exposure to pet. There are also available some special blood tests which are done to assist with diagnosis.


- Severe headache

- Itching in nose, eyes, throat, mouth, skin or any other part.

- Coughing

- Sore throat

- Sneezing

- Problem with smell

- Nasal congestion

- Watery or tearing eyes

- Children with allergic rhinitis may have dark circles under eyes.


Best treatment is avoiding the allergens itself that triggers Allergic Rhinitis. Though it may not be completely possible to avoid allergens but you may at least reduce your exposure to such allergens. There are varied medications accessible to treat Allergic Rhinitis, but your doctor may prescribe you depending upon the severity of symptoms and other factors like age and your prevailing medical condition.

There are nose sprays and Antihistamines available in your nearest medical store. They do provide relief and are helpful but they even cause side effects. Their main aim is to ease allergic symptoms like nasal itching, runny nose, sneezing and stuffy nose. After immediate relief though a proper treatment needs to be taken or symptoms may reoccur in more series.

Immunotherapy is another option of treatment. It involves gradually giving rising doses of substance to which a person is allergic to. It helps as immune system becomes less sensitive to that allergen by producing antibody which minimizes the symptoms.

Enhance your daily health care by avoiding any contact with allergens. You also need to keep away from stimulating foods like fish, shrimp, other seafood and crab. Eat more of nourishing food. Also quit smoking and as far as possible stay away from passive smoking. Try to stay away from outdoor polluted air.

Allergic Rhinitis should not stop you from going out of your home.

To Your Health!

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